V-day gift guide

I made a list of things to get my man last February in my journal, but completely forgot about it. That’s the thing I hate about bullet journaling; I sometimes end up ignoring my own plans written on them. I thought up of a few more ideas along the way, from experience and from seeing ideas online. This is a helpful guide for anyone you want to get a gift for. Links to some of the products will be in the title, enjoy!

Sleeping cat pillow that looks real!

literally this is my favorite pillow because it looks like my cat who passed away last year 😦 I will probably buy it for myself in the future hehe. The artist has many versions of the pillow available, so I’m sure you can send in a picture of your pet and they customize it to your liking. Check out my cat gift board to see more cat items that make for great gifts

Under Lucky Stars

You may have already seen this one going around on tumblr but it’s so amazing it’s not even cheesy or anything, it’s pretty cute and unique. You can have a big photo printed of the star alignments from any day and time. If you don’t like their styles, I’m certain there’s other companies that have other options for you. Here’s one of my favorite styles they have:

FireShot Capture 020 - Personalized Star Maps - Under Lucky _ - https___www.underluckystars.com_ma

Commission a couple drawing 

there’s a bunch of artists on tumblr who take commissions. Ask one to make a drawing of you and yours, it will make a great gift for your partner to cherish forever. Some artists even make pets, animated versions and more!

here are a few artists who can draw you and your cutie!

by cuchufli

“Open When” Letters

this is a good idea for your friend/partner who is into really cutesty stuff, especially handwritten or handmade gifts.


men will love what’s on this list too.

  • a watch (i have 3 watches and i love them all!)
  • a belt (not leather please, just look up why leather is bad and you will see why 🙂 )
  • slippers (i need more of these)

Bath and beauty products.

  • bar soaps, shampoos (try to buy a heart shaped soap ooh)
  • razors
  • grandpa socks
  • car stuff
  • tech stuff

Heart shaped everything!

If your partner doesn’t like heart shaped things because they’re not “manly” enough, then I’m sorry…but if your partner loves anything you gift them, including hearts, then this one’s for you!

I’ve been growing more and more fond of anything pastel colored, fluffy and heart shaped, including foods. Anything with a heart shape looks pretty cute to me, which is shocking since I used to dress up in boy shoes and fingerless gloves. But also, what exactly are “boy” shoes? Anyways, if you’re looking for cutesy things to gift, then here are a few of my favorite heart shaped things you should think about getting this valentines day:

  1. heart shaped pillow

So last year, target came out with these cute heart shaped pillows. I got my boyfriend a red heart shaped one and, originally it was for me but I realized I haven’t gotten him anything (since I was saving up for his b-day) so I decided to gift him that cute pillow which he sleeps with every night lol. A throw pillow makes for a perfect gift because it looks cute and it’s comfortable, everyone needs to sleep with pillows okay it’s just how it is. Tip: sleep with a pillow on your lower back and neck. It’s best to sleep on your back.

2. Jewelry

     2018-02-03 12726644061..jpg

There’s so many heart shaped jewelery so you won’t have much of a hard time finding something perfect for your friend. Make sure you know whether they like extravagant or minimal looking accessories. My boyfriend got me the really cute smiley face ring, I cherish it so much. We said anytime I feel bad I can look at the smiley face and pretend it’s him, so cheesy lol but I love it!

3. Coffee mugs

For christmas in 2016 I got a cat shaped mug that I love sooooo much! I would be a mug collector if I could but I really don’t think it’s a smart move for me. I think just having maybe 10 would be find for when company comes over.


4. Balloons, Purses, Cards, and more…


well you get it, hearts are so cute and can make anyone’s heart flutter. Just remember to put your own sweet touch to give it more meaning and you’ll do great!

DIY Spa day

Give your partner a nice massage! Give them a spa day at home and they will definitely never forget it. OF course, if you are just starting out in the relationship, maybe you should keep it simple and give them a hand massage and that’s it! You don’t want to make the other person uncomfortable. To anyone else,  think about giving your loved one a belly button massage, hand and foot massage and relieve them of their stress. It doesn’t really even have to be your partner.

The key to anyone’s heart, food!

These are things a bit more sentimental your loved one may enjoy more of their not too materialistic. Food, it’s the key to my heart and many other people’s hearts eheheh.

Make the person you’re thinking about their favorite food throughout the day.

Buy heart shaped cookie cutters to bake cookies, order a heart shaped pizza 🍕💝💖 Honestly, ima bout to brag but my boyfriend did this when we started talking and he stole my heart because he actually ordered from my favorite pizza place. I also had no idea that there would be a pizza man at my door 🚪 I got so scared that I didn’t even answer because I thought it was his friends and I didn’t look 👀 okay to open the door at the moment. I’m just so glad the pizza man came back with a perfect at shaped pizza. It was really such a memorable Valentine’s Day for me. Here are some ideas on what foods to make (taken from google and pinterest) :


Thanks for reading you guys. Remember that whoever you are thinking about should appreciate whatever you give them. Don’t worry about the price, because that kind of stuff doesn’t matter, especially if you’re giving it to a loved one. As long as you put some meaning to it and some thought, the person will feel grateful.

Have a great day ❤

Love K.



credits: images from pinterest, google,
background image for my cover photo is from dominos japan!

3 responses to “V-day gift guide”

  1. this would be helpful if i actually had a bf lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol don’t worry u can get it some for fam and friends too. I used to gift things to my girl friends on vday since I was single for a long time too lol

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Love these gift ideas! Especially those heart mugs – I want those for myself!xx

    Liked by 1 person

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